I!I°•Egy Rap•°I!I
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I!I°•Egy Rap•°I!I
Welcome To Egy Rap :: Just Be One Of Us
I!I°•Egy Rap•°I!I
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

كلمات اغنية akon الرائعة aginst the grain

2 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

كلمات اغنية akon الرائعة aginst the grain Empty كلمات اغنية akon الرائعة aginst the grain

مُساهمة من طرف Akon الجمعة 20 مارس 2009, 9:03 am

Against the Grain
So soft and slow
Never knew a girl could be so god damn cold,
I know, the way she move got me spending my dough
And yo, If you would've seen what i seen on that pole
Just know,

That I was wrong for falling in love
I was wrong for falling in love
[They always say don't love a ho]
I was wrong for falling in love
[Don't do it yo']
I was wrong for falling in love
[They always say don't love a ho]

But I just went against the grain
It was a feeling I can't explain
And it felt like harmony
Singing in my face like
Diddy-duhdee doo-dah-day
I don't want it to ever go away
I want it around me every day
Signing in my face like
Diddy-duhdee doo-dah-day

Look at me, I'm stuck
That bubble in my pants got me caught up
I never, had no luck
Thinking with the wrong head got me jumping out there
With no glove
It feels so good had me sprung out all messed up
Now I’m stuck

That I was wrong for falling in love
I was wrong for falling in love
[They always say don't love a ho]
I was wrong for falling in love
[Don't do it yo']
I was wrong for falling in love
[They always say don't love a ho]

But I just went against the grain
It was a feeling I can't explain
And it felt like harmony
Signing in my face like
Diddy-duhdee doo-dah-day
I don't want it to ever go away
I want it around me every day
Signing in my face like
Diddy-duhdee doo-dah-day

So thick, so raw
That oil all over her body stole my heart
I'm caught,
The way she drop down won't allow me to close my drawers
Cause I’m, already in love and i knew better from the start
Oh No,

I was wrong for falling in love
I was wrong for falling in love
[They always say don't love a ho]
I was wrong for falling in love

New Rapper

المشاركات : 18
العمر : 31
نقاط : 5735

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كلمات اغنية akon الرائعة aginst the grain Empty رد: كلمات اغنية akon الرائعة aginst the grain

مُساهمة من طرف ZERO RAP الأربعاء 15 أبريل 2009, 3:15 am

thnx maaaaaaaaaaaaan

thank u


المشاركات : 1027
العمر : 33
نقاط : 7405


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